Rosetta Monitor

by Escapist Games Limited


not available

"Rosetta Monitor" is software following ESA's Rosetta spacecraft escorting the comet 67P during its journey through the solar system. The comet will reach closest approach (perihelion) to the sun in August 2015 as the mission continues until December 2015. Since its arrival at the comet Rosetta has returned stunning, never-seen-before, images of the comet's nucleus. The application bundles a detailed star chart and an interactive planisphere to show the location of 67P in real-time or time shifted.
Essential Features* Mission-elapsed-time counter* Time-since-arrival counter* Time-to-perihelon counter* Current velocity and distance* Comet 67P ephemerides, real-time and date selectable* Comet position centered on detailed star chart* Comet rise, set, transit, etc.* Ephemeris table* Mission timeline* Planisphere with major comets, incl. 67P* Downloads DSS image centered on 67P* Comet photo gallery (Credit ESA)* Rosetta quiz
INTERNET permission is raised for viewing HTML files and download of DSS images.The data in your device is not compromised in any way!WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for saving star charts and planisphere charts.
BEFORE YOU PURCHASEGalaxy Precident Model SCH-M828C and other QVGA devices not supported.Both phones with hi-res screens and tablets supported.This application runs in landscape mode and is written in English only.Please contact the developer with pre-sales questions, if in doubt.